2023 Exhibition Show and World Record Attempts!

November 3, 2023

3:00pm - 5:30pm - World Records Documentation

7:00pm -10:00pm - Exhibition Show


In conjunction with Movember, Death Grip, and Honest Amish, we are going to attempt to break the “Longest Beard Chain” record we set in 2022, as well as set some new records.

When: Friday Nov. 3rd at 3pm
Where: World Famous Main Street Pier
in Daytona Beach, FL

Longest Moustache Chain
This is an all-moustache line up, no beards allowed. All participants must have a true moustache as according to NBMC standards. “All facial hair growing from more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth must be shaved”. In addition, to qualify to participate in the Moustache Chain Attempt, your facial hairs must be 4” or longer.

Longest Partial Beard Chain
This is an all-Partial Beard line up, including partial beards of any style. All participants must have a true Partial Beard as according to NBMC standards. . In addition, to qualify to participate in the Partial Beard Chain Attempt, your facial hairs must be 6” or longer.

Longest Craft Beard Chain
This is an all Craft Beard effort, in any stye of Craft Beard. All participants must have a true craft as according to any of the existing NBMC standards. In addition, to qualify to participate in the Moustache Chain Attempt, your Craft Beard must be 12” or longer and may not touch the ground.

Longest Beard Chain
This attempt is open to all styles of real facial hair that is over 8” long. All Moustaches and Partial Beards that are over 8” in length are encouraged to join!

Sign up to participate in the Chain Attempts on the pier starting at 3pm!

Participants will be measured and documented at the event.

2023 Exhibition Show!

After the World Record Bonanza, we will move it upstairs to the rooftop deck of Joe’s Crab Shack for the Exhibition Show!

When: Friday Nov 3 - 7pm

Where: Joe’s Crab Shack
1200 Main St Bridge
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

We will have 6 divisions:

Movember Mo’
All moustache wearers that are participating in Mo’vember
and have shaved just 3 days prior.

Surfer Style
Casual, Laid Back Facial Hair

American Mustache
An upper-lip offering that inspires patriotism

Honest Beard
Is it a Donegal? let’s see what the judges say

Beach Combover
A beach-comber comb-over? Open for interpretation!

Veterans Beard
Any Facial Hair worn by a Current or Former Service Member

Pre-Sale tickets to enter the Exhibition Competition are now offline, but you can still sign up to enter at the event!
Go to Joe’s Crab Shack and look for the Registration station.


Ticket proceeds from the National Beard and Moustache Championships and Exhibition Show will benefit a Volusia County Hurricane Relief fund, Movember, and Equality Florida.